A recent gold-duping bug in Diablo III had pushed the game’s auction house offline in North America as Blizzard sought to fix the problem. The company noted that it was reluctant to do a rollback as that would punish players who were paying and playing legitimately (which was the vast majority of players).
“With this in mind, we elected not to roll back the servers in The Americas and are instead working to remove duplicated gold from the economy through targeted audits and account actions (as indicated above) without taking away progress that our players rightfully earned,” wrote John Hight, production director at Blizzard. “As of this this post, we have already recaptured more than 85 percent of the excess gold from the accounts involved, and over the days ahead we will continue to pore over our audit data to reclaim as much duplicate currency as possible. We’ve also done a full audit of our code to help make sure that something like this doesn’t happen again.”

“Many people bought and sold items and gold on the Auction House on Tuesday. We’re making sure that all legitimate transactions go through,” Hight added. “This means that if your account was not involved in the exploit, you will get to keep your items and gold, as well as any money you received from sales on the real-money Auction House. We’ll also be donating all proceeds from auctions conducted by the suspended or banned players’ including all of their sale proceeds that we intercepted as well as our transaction fee to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.”
Source: Battle.net