Chris Taylor, CEO of Gas Powered Games, detailed his studio’s Kickstarter campaign and large amount of recent layoffs in an Ask Me Anything open interview. Ultimately, he said the decision of the layoffs was doing what was right for people who wanted to stay and those who wanted to move on, noting that the attention has been a net positive for the project.

“GPG is in a very interesting situation as we had enough money to get us through to the end of the campaign,” Taylor wrote. “What became obvious by day 4, is that the campaign was going so poorly, there was no way it was going to happen. People argued this with me in the media a bit, saying it was too early to judge, but consider this, even with this weekend’s surge, we’re still not doing very well…Can you imagine what it would have looked like without the big push from the media covering the layoff ”

“I chose to lay folks off instead of gamble with their severance. Today some folks have come in, and completed paperwork, and have said they don’t want to stay and gamble it, so they are gone now. It’s an eyes wide open situation now . . . it’s their choice, and I feel good about that decision,” he added. “Technically (legally) we weren’t allowed to take on volunteers, so what folks have done this week, is go back on payroll, and then forego their severance. It’s a good compromise because it’s their decision.”
