Forrester Research and the Association of National Advertisers have conducted a joint survey and found that nearly two-thirds of advertisers say TV is losing its effectiveness.  As reported in Mediaweek, the firms surveyed 100 national advertisers and found that 62 percent think TV is less of an influencer than it was two years ago.  The majority cited clutter, with 69 percent of respondents saying they would like to see fewer ads per commercial segment.  The survey found fewer dollars going towards TV spend, with advertisers saying they would allocate 41 percent of their marketing mix to TV compared to 58 percent in 2008.  It also found a high level of interest in branded programming, with 38 percent saying they would be spending more on branded content than traditional 30-second spots.  Mediaweek says the firms will release more results from the survey at the ANA’s TV & Everything Video Forum taking place tomorrow in New York.  Read more at Mediaweek.