Digital Chocolate has added two new personnel to its executive staff. Kaj Haggaman, a Nokia veteran, will be handling new general management of one of the company’s new Helsinki studio as a VP, with Emmi Kuusikko joining as the new product manager having previously worked at Habbo Hotel at Sulake.

“It’s rewarding that we can attract and retain great people and are getting continued support from the financial community,” said Trip Hawkins, CEO. “We are now well-positioned to leverage industry trends and growth.”

Additionally, the company announced that Zombie Lane and Army Attack have done well on Facebook, and Marko Lastikka is being promoted from VP of production to VP of regional sales as a result. Also, Digital Chocolate noted that during 2011 they secured a total of $12 million in equity capital financing.

“We’re pleased that our strategy and progress have attracted such experienced and talented executives,” said Marc Metis, President of Digital Chocolate.  “And it is a pleasure to promote our emerging leaders from within.”