From Direct Marketing Observations:

Wanna know something great about social media? If you’re a dick, eventually people will know it. Why? Because of the transparent nature of the platforms and its associated tools. You see, if you hang yourself out there far enough, your personality starts to show. Take Twitter for example. If you Tweet long enough, patterns start to form. Just like in grade school, high school and college and at your work. You start to see the personalities of the people that you hang with every day.

We get it, social media can allow conversations to flow fast and furious, and some of us can lose our cool, especially in the volatile video game industry with its fanatics and advocates.

Just remember, everyone’s watching, so handle yourself with some composure and respect, and the audience will realize you’re not just trolling social media, looking to sell your wares.

Build up your reputation through social media and don’t misstep too often, and you ll find yourself ahead of the pack.