BioWare announced recently the Dragon Age II BioWare Signature Edition. It will include over $20 of additional content, including an additional playable character, new mission, a digital version of the Dragon Age II soundtrack and an exclusive in-game digital armory.

“Over the past 15 years, we’ve been privileged to have the support of a passionate community of fans, who continue to grow in number with every game we release,” said Dr. Ray Muzyka, Senior Vice President of Electronic Arts and co-founder and Group General Manager of BioWare. “The BioWare Signature Edition of Dragon Age II is a chance for us to reward loyal fans who pre-order the game by providing them with additional high-quality content for free.”

Dragon Age II looks to draw in an even larger audience with more stylized art and more action-oriented gameplay, with saved games from the first Dragon Age changing aspects of the game world. This time around, players take the role of Hawke and rise to glory over a decade-long story.

Dragon Age II BioWare Signature Edition will only be available via pre-order and online purchase on or before January 11, 2011, essentially making it a first strike against used games and an incentive to get the game early. Dragon Age II will release for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on March 8, 2011.