Edge-Online continues its nifty feature launched last week. The outlet is partnered with marketing metrics firm Brandwatch to chart online buzz for top UK games on a weekly basis. Edge will feature the top ten games charted by Brandwatch, along with a topical index pinpointing buzz for a specific area such as a game genre or franchise. Unfortunately this week’s topical index is postponed due to what Edge calls a technical glitch.
Data from the main index shows Uncharted 2: Among Thieves dominating UK game chatter. Sony s PS3 title easily tops the list, doubling number two Bethesda’s Fallout 3 in mentions. Yet Fallout 3 edges out Uncharted 2 in the positive comment category, beating it by two percent to garner the highest percentage of positive remarks at 54 percent. Both games have about 9 percent negative sentiment. The losers in the sentiment index for this week s are EA’s Brutal Legend and Need for Speed Shift, each getting about 12 percent negative remarks.
Check out the chart at Edge-Online {link no longer active}.