Gaikai has launched the beta trial of its Facebook app. Users of the social network are now able to try out demos of titles that include Saints Row – The Third, Dead Rising 2 – Off the Record, Magicka, and The Witcher 2 – Assassins of Kings.
“People don’t want to leave Facebook to play games – Zynga’s phenomenal success is proof of that,” said Gaikai CEO David Perry. “Cloud Gaming means that the game doesn’t need to be downloaded and run on your computer, it literally means the game runs out on the internet, in the cloud, with the experience being streamed to the players.”
“Most video game publishers are now seeking to grow their digital customer base and unlike movie and music services like Netflix and Spotify, Gaikai gives the game publishers relationships with the customers,” added Perry. “The power of Facebook is not only in the vast size of the connected audience, but also in the quality of the social ties and interactions that occur within the network. The Facebook social graph fuels our mantra ‘Try it for free’, ‘Share it if you like it’, ‘Buy it if you love it’.”