The next time you get involved with your Fantasy Football team, take a moment to sit back and realize just how awesome it’s become over the last few years. Not only has it grown in terms of features, but also popularity. You may be surprised how much money Fantasy Football is making.

The Fantasy Sports Trade Association has shared a chart (which you can see below) that emphasizes just how much they’ve grown over the last nine years. In 2004, the revenue for fantasy sports capped at just under $400 million. That number has increased a little bit with each coming year, and with 2013’s stats, it’s reached over three times that initial amount ” sitting pretty at $1.23 billion dollars. That’s roughly an average of 11.7 percent growth with each year.

Out of these numbers, the National Football League ” or NFL ” has remained at the top of the heap. While eSports is on the rise, more traditional sports still attract a lot of attention and revenue from fans.

Source: The Atlantic