Gambitious, a crowdfunding platform set up specifically for games, has launched with seven titles. Somewhat more like a publishing platform, backers receive dividends based on their initial investments, though developers keep their own IP and need a detailed business plan.

“Crowdfunding is causing a great seismic shift in how projects get funded, however, there are risks of crash-and-burn due to unfulfilled projects and unfinished games,” said CEO Paul Hanraets. “Unlike other crowdfunding platforms, Gambitious is designed specifically for the video game industry and ups the ante of developer credibility, investor engagement and development cycle understanding.”

“It is time to move from the wild, wild, west of crowdfunding to a more professional model,” said co-founder Mike Wilson. “Crowdfunding is the best thing to happen to indies since shareware in the 90’s and Gambitious is a transformational way of funding the video game market – legitimizing, protecting, and maximizing the opportunity for all that want a stake in the game.”