Plenty of people are using Google+ right now, and some have reported it’s something of a mixed bag. Vic Gundotra, a senior vice president of engineering at Google, has confirmed that the company has gotten plenty of feedback and they’re actively looking to respond to some of the issues.

“Lots of criticism for Google+,” wrote Gundotra. “We are listening and working to address. Stay tuned for changes this week.”

“It’s like the Domino’s [Pizza] ads, ” said Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with Technology Business Research. “Domino’s new ads admit that Domino’s pizza used to be lousy. They’re acknowledging a negative and claiming an improvement. They buy credibility. It gives them another shot at people who had a problem.”

Right now, the site has a landslide of updates, from being added to a circle to being referred, and most users would like to see that corrected. Site set up, private messages and Google+’s circle social system are also asked about

“It would also be great if I could put circles within circles,” wrote one user, with another saying, “Sometimes you just want to merge circles. No easy way to do that.”
