Sony and Microsoft generally make no secret of their shared corporate animosity most of the time. However Dennis Durkin, COO and CFO of Microsoft’s interactive entertainment business, recently shared some sympathy with Sony over the pain they endured from the PSN break in.
“It’s bad for the industry that this has happened to Sony,” Durkin told our sister site. “It’s very, very bad. It’s very damaging. So we don’t wish that upon anybody and you’ve seen we’ve been actually pretty quiet on the subject because we don’t want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else’s situation like that. That’s just not in our DNA.”
“Over time, all of the bets Microsoft is making are about cloud bets. We want customers to feel confident about the quality of service they’re getting, the reliability they’re getting, the security of the data that they have and the security of the private information that they have, he added. “As a company, you can look back eight, nine years ago, when Bill Gates wrote his Trustworthy Computing Memo that basically said, ‘We need to change the way we architect our products and it has to be designed into the way we architect our products and services.’ So it’s in our DNA, across the company. This is not just an IEB thing.”
Source: IndustryGamers {link no longer active}