Online games website Miniclip, which already has over 70 million players per month, is now launching its first national promotion with Del Taco Restaurants this month. The company is looking at an eight-week kids meal promotion as just the start of an overall global brand extension campaign.
More than 525 restaurants in 17 states will offer an exclusive Miniclip decoder toy with purchase. The toy will reveal a special code for access to a secret area on to play exclusive games. There will be special trophies for the Del Taco audience. The promotion will also be supported by Del Taco through in-store POP.
“This is the first step in a brand strategy that will bring the excitement of the Miniclip online brand to consumers in new and engaging ways,” said Chris Bergstresser, VP & Commercial Director of Miniclip. “We’re a family friendly brand first, and have chosen Del Taco to partner with because of their commitment to fresh food. Del Taco has created the perfect environment for us to reach out to our core audience in a new format that we know they will love.”