Need to promote monsters the right way? Who better to call on than Andy Samberg?

The comedian, who has appeared on shows like Saturday Night Live and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, is part of a new promotion with mixi to help push its smash mobile game, Monster Strike. Eight new commercials featuring Samberg and his monstrous company were released on the company’s official product site and its YouTube channel. Plus, viewers are invited to get in on the fun.

In these humorous ads, Samberg plays a coach whose job involves bringing people together to play Monster Strike, only to test them for distractions, including everything from pizza-related texts to parents reading texts. Of course, the game maintains their undivided attention, making Samberg and his programming buddy, Cthulhu, big successes.

The team at mixi is asking fans to vote for their favorite ads, which will earn them big rewards. By “Liking” videos, they can unlock rewards within Monster Strike. For example, after the videos cumulatively reached 1,000 Likes, a five-Orb bonus (in-game currency) was awarded, and many more are waiting to be unlocked.

That’s not all. One lucky participant will be picked at random and provided with a pizza party, complete with a food truck that will deliver lunch to that person’s school, office or other affiliated organization.

The campaign is running through next Monday, so viewers still have plenty of time to check out the videos and vote for their favorites in the hopes of winning prizes.

Monster Strike is available now for iOS and Android.