Netflix’s streaming movies service continues to gain steam. From a marketing and business standpoint, it makes perfect sense for the rental company to get its streaming service onto as many devices as possible. Netflix has already made its presence felt on the home consoles (starting with Xbox 360, extending to PS3, and now Wii), and soon it should be available on the newly launched Apple iPad, Mashable reports.

blurb that leaked simply says, “Get Netflix on your iPad. Just download this free app and you can instantly watch TV shows & movies streaming from Netflix.” As with the streaming service on other devices, consumers will of course need to be Netflix members first, and then they can watch as often as they want. They’ll also be able to browse and manage movies in their queue right from the iPad.

In semi-related news, Mashable also noted that a Hulu app for iPad is also likely. Between Netflix and Hulu, video junkies who decided to buy an iPad should be pretty pleased.