Reports are that THQ will spend at least 1 million British Pounds ($1.6 million) on the TV campaign for Red Faction: Armageddon in the U.K.  They will also run extensive cinema advertisements until July 7 at screenings of X-Men: First Class and Green Lantern.

The company is also planning a two-month print campaign in consumer magazines and online ads for both fans of the game and sci-fi in general with POS materials as well. This is not to mention the movie Red Faction: Origins coming to Syfy.

“The marketing focus is around engaging sci-fi gamers, many of whom are existing fans of Red Faction”, said THQ s senior brand manager Mark Fisher. “By engaging with this audience fully, which we are doing through a number of means, including our attendance at events such as the SFX Weekender and the MCM Expo, we anticipate word-of-mouth to spread from this audience into the more mainstream gaming community. One of the key focuses is to reach Guerrilla players and convert them into day-one Armageddon purchasers.”

THQ indicates that the Red Faction series has racked up over 3.5 million in sales since 2001, with Red Faction: Guerrilla accounting for 1 million of those sales. According to THQ, however, the game was actually played by three times as many people as there were copies sold.

Source: MCV