Syfy announced today that it will run The Phantom on Sunday June 20, from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The movie event features Ryan Carnes (Desperate Housewives/Dr. Who) who stars as The Phantom/Kit Walker with Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet) taking on the role of the villain Lithia, Sandrine Holt (24/The L Word) as The Phantom s adviser Guran and Cameron Goodman as love interest Renny.
This contemporary version of The Phantom (directed by Paolo Barzman) sees the Singh crime syndicate trying to stop Walker from taking his role as Phantom while also trying to provoke international war. True to the character motif of The Phantom, he will rely on athletic ability and marksmanship, not superhuman powers.
First created in 1936, The Phantom is one of the first superhero characters ever made, and the brand remains strong. He’s appeared in newspaper strips, comic books, movies and cartoon series and is one of the best known superhero characters on a global basis.