10. Big images

Don’t shy away from indoor billboard’s calling attention to your product.

9. Wrestling, brother!

If you can have a celebrity associated with your product show up, all the better.

8. Free coffee!

People love consumables, and considering the price that vendors normally have, anything you give for free will be appreciated.

7. Photo ops are always nice

People will like up to get special pictures taken (especially with blonde twins)

6. This.

I don’t think any further explanation is required

5. Free car washes

People have got to park somewhere, so why not shower them with (bikini babes don’t hurt).

4. Take over a building

Nothing says ‘big’ like having your product overlooking a major thoroughfare.

3. Let people interact

People come to cons to be involved, so if you let them indulge they’ll remember positively!

2. Have a tank!

Seriously, these tanks were just awesome.

1. Realistic statues and panoramic displays

Gears of War 3 hit a sweet spot with its booth, and not just because it was a hot game, but also because its set up drew attention whether you meant to be there or not.