WildTangent has rolled out a new scalable brand-integration solution. This will allow advertisers to insert virtual images or replications of their products within social games in a way easier than most social media hubs.
The first partner with this WildTangent dynamic ad program is Clorox, providing users with a free Scoop Away litter box within the Facebook game Happy Pets. Users can also receive a free litter box by watching a Scoop Away video as part of WildTangent’s BrandBoost platform.
I want to be where our customers are and they are playing social games in big numbers, said Clorox associate marketing manager Scott Iason. Games like [Zynga s] FarmVille are huge games, but they are extremely expensive and they take a considerable amount of resources, creative and financial. This allows us to be integrated in games in an organic fashion, and it s not obtrusive to the consumer experience. Rather, it gets people engaged on a deeper level than display ads.
Source: AdWeek