comScore recently released their ‘It’s a Social World: Top 10 Need-to-Knows About Social Networking and Where It’s Headed’ report. Notable in the statistics: one out of every seven minutes spent online in October was on Facebook.
“The emergence and widespread global adoption of social networks has vastly influenced human interaction on an individual, community and larger societal level, and underscores the convergence of the online and offline worlds,” explained Linda Boland Abraham, CMO and EVP of global development, comScore. “Regardless of geography, social networks are weaving themselves ever more intricately into the fabric of the digital experience, opening a world of new opportunity for business and technology.”
Facebook is said to have reached 55 percent of the online global audience. Facebook took up three out of four minutes on social networks and social networking accounted for approximately one in every five online minutes in October of this year.
The study also said the 64 percent of U.S. smartphone users interact with social networking websites on their phones at least once a month. Two out of five smartphone users used sites like Facebook every day and increasingly come from older demographics.