EA as a company has been pushing digital and online experiences in a big way. Its EA Sports label is a big part of that, as EA Sports boss Andrew Wilson clearly wants his consumers to enjoy EA Sports’ franchises wherever, whenever. It’s part of the “always-on” strategy.

“It’s a creative idea, based on how people are playing our games. What we know about sports fans is that from the minute you get up to the minute you go to bed, you are thinking and talking about your favorite sport. Yet for the longest time, the only time people could engage with that sport in our world was when they were sitting in front of their televisions. And that was a big miss,” Wilson said.

“A very great proportion of HD sports gamers have iPhones, iPads, Facebook accounts, and they’re doing things in that space. We ask them, ‘what are you playing on your iPhone ’ And they say, ‘Aw, just some time-wasting stuff’.’ So what we challenged them with was, what if the stuff that you did here actually had meaning to who you are in the game-world Had meaning to your level, had meaning to your status It wasn’t wasted time. That when you did something there, when you got home at night and booted up your game in front of your 60-inch television, what you’d done actually had meaning. And they said, ‘absolutely, that’s the way it’s supposed to be’,” Wilson continued.

“There is this nature of connection and omnipresence that is important in the interactions people have with technology. What you end up with is a connected cross-platform world where everything you do counts and nothing you do is wasted.”

Source: Gamasutra