CVG reports: {link no longer active}

Activision has told CVG at Gamescom that there’ll be be no multiplayer beta for
Modern Warfare 2. You may remember that the first MW game had a huge open beta test that you could say was a massive success in bringing people round to Call Of Duty’s multiplayer options. But it looks like there’s no need to do that this time round.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare kicked off a public beta a few months before its release date, allowing gamers who received a promotional code to log onto the game and have some time with Infinity Ward’s multiplayer masterpiece (it s still on the top three active Xbox Live games).

Why would Activision not have a public beta of Modern Warfare 2 after all the successful hype and press received by the first game s beta   Marketing for the game this early has huge potential to get interest up to a fever pitch for its November release.

We figure it s because Call of Duty 4 and 5 (World at War) cotinue to occupy two of the top three spots in the weekly Xbox Live active games lists, and both games have significant DLC still being churned out (World at War recently released its third map pack just weeks ago).

Still, it would have been great to see all of these Call of Duty fans going absolutely bonkers for a chance at getting a beta code.  Next time.