In anticipation for the suspense thriller title Alan Wake, Microsoft is releasing a six-part live-action prequel film on Xbox Live called Bright Falls. The teaser trailer for the mini-series can be seen below:
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In anticipation for the suspense thriller title Alan Wake, Microsoft is releasing a six-part live-action prequel film on Xbox Live called Bright Falls. The teaser trailer for the mini-series can be seen below:
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Gary Goodman’s Creative Picks: The Art Of The Spectacle
First off, a huge thanks to the wisdom and insights of Rob Matthews and David Rielly…
Read This If You Want People To Remember Your Brand Better
Originally published at AW360 by Katie Lundin. Article Takeaways: Defining brand consistency How consistent branding builds customer…
Complexities In Marketing To A Broad Audience With Zach Kitschke, CMO At Canva
Zach Kitschke is the CMO of Canva, the online visual communication and collaboration platform. In his…