The Force is strong with the Star Wars Celebration event, which kicks off this weekend in Anaheim, California. We’ll be providing daily recaps of the event, with a big wrap-up on Monday, but we couldn’t help but talk about one of the biggest reveals that already took place during the opening panel.
Director J.J. Abrams and LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy talked during most of the presentation, which also featured a few new reveals, such as the updated Stormtrooper design, the debut of “rolly” robot BB8 and the newest cast members. In addition, some old favorites also joined the fun, including Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels, among others.
After a large group photo opportunity, the presentation shifted to the debut of a new teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, this one providing more of a glimpse of Abrams’ vision than the previous one that debuted back in December. The new characters from the film are in action, but there are also glimpses of old favorites, especially with Luke Skywalker’s opening speech. Some startling imagery also pops up in the trailer, including Darth Vader’s shattered mask and a desecrated Star Destroyer in the midst of the desert.
The new trailer, posted on the official Star Wars YouTube page, can be found below, and it’s bound to stir up plenty of nostalgia with fans.