MI6 has announced that Kab Kaniess has won the MI6 Making the Cut video competition. The sophomore at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota won with a Dead Rising 2 video that will be shown off on Capcom’s website.

“We view this competition as a fun way to energize and excite young creatives to show off their skills and gain recognition,” said Promax BDA President and CEO Jonathan Block-Verk.  “The competition motivates students and provides a direct opportunity to get involved with the video game industry and learn about its viability and creativity.”

“Dead Rising 2 isn’t the average zombie video game and I wanted to accurately portray its playful, yet mature content in the trailer,” said Kaniess. “The combination of in-game footage with 16mm found footage is a throwback to the ’60s, an era in which zombies emerged into popular culture.”