According to AppData, Draw Something is now the top game on Facebook, replacing Words With Friends. The OMGPOP game now has 10.8 million daily active users compared to the Zynga title at 8.6 million

“This is a huge turnaround for the New York-based company, which had struggled to find a massive hit on its own destination site and then on Facebook,” notes Kim-Mai Cutler. “While OMGPOP chief executive Dan Porter has told me that he is heads down on building the game, there are many options on the table right now from continuing along, to taking more funding or talking with prospective buyers.”

“It’s also a sign of changing times as the biggest games on Facebook by daily usage like Words With Friends and Draw Something are now played largely on mobile devices,” adds Cutler. “This does not bode well for Facebook’s future gaming or platform revenues since it can’t earn a share of transactions in native iOS or Android games. Facebook even revised its policy a few weeks ago, saying that mobile web apps running inside a Facebook iOS app may only use iOS payment methods and may not reference or encourage Facebook Credits.”

Source: Tech Crunch