Duke Nukem Forever has so far been unkindly received by most critics, targeting issues ranging from the gameplay, graphics and technical holdups. Despite this, it’s tops in the U.K. sales chart and Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford is happy with how the fans have received it.

“With sales data, It seems like *customers* love Duke, tweeted Pitchford. I guess sometimes we want greasy hamburgers instead of caviar…”

Jon St. John, the voice actor for Duke Nukem, was less subtle in his write off of critics. “I have no comments regarding bad reviews by clueless critics,” said Jon St. John to TheJoyPads {link no longer active}. “They seem to want to compare Duke Nukem Forever to Call Of Duty and other FPS’ and they are missing the point. My thoughts about Duke Nukem Forever: It freakin ROCKS! Lots of action, lots of fun, sexy, funny, irreverent… It’s everything I hoped it would be.”