Jim Redner of the PR firm The Redner Group lost his 2K Games account over an angry tweet responding to some reviews of Duke Nukem Forever. Given hindsight, Redner clearly regrets the decision.

“It was an emotional outburst. I was venting. I would like to believe that I would have handled it differently if I had been thinking. Normally, I would have contacted the writer directly to have a conversation about the review. I do not support the act of blacklisting. I do support choices. I hope that you will see the difference between the two during the course of the interview,” said Redner, who added, “Do not do what I did. Let me be clear, do not go on Twitter and vent.”

As for being summarily dismissed from 2K Games services, Redner said, “I contacted them when it first went down. I apologized for my actions. I actually recommended resigning the account the night of the incident.  I think their Twitter post dismissal added fuel to the fire, but they needed to instantly distance themselves from theRednerGroup and our comment. It required quick action on their part. We spoke after their response was issued and I assured them that I supported their actions, not that it mattered. I still do support their decision. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the end result would have been the same.”

Source: IndustryGamers {link no longer active}