Titanfall 2 hopes to introduce more players to the bond between man and machine, as Electronic Arts announced today. During its E3 EA Play press conference, Respawn Entertainment’s CEO, Vince Zampella took the stage and introduced the world to an all-new way to “stand by for Titanfall”—singleplayer campaign. While the first title was multiplayer-only and exclusive to Microsoft devices, this new take on the world of pilots and their protective, mech partners will allow for immersion into the story behind the action.
In the world of Titanfall, the mechs are programmed to aid and protect their pilots in the line of duty. As seen in the official single-player trailer, a Titan named B27274 has lost his original pilot and even seems to mourn as the bond is broken in death. Stranded behind enemy lines, the veteran, Vanguard-class Titan teams up with a militia rifleman named Jack Cooper to finish his mission. This dynamic adds a sense of humanity and purpose to both B27274 and Cooper, who wants to be a pilot and is suddenly thrust into the world we wanted in a way he didn’t expect.
In addition to the all-new campaign mode, Electronic Arts will publish Titanfall 2 on PlayStation 4 alongside Xbox One and PC, extending the franchise from a Microsoft-exclusive to a more accessible brand.
Multiplayer will feature six all-new Titans, new Pilot abilities, an expanded customization system, progression system, new maps and more, according to the official website. EA has already unveiled a new Titan called Scorch and three special, pilot abilities. The site also hints at new ways to team up via online networks, with “more details coming soon.”
Titanfall 2 is scheduled for launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on October 28, 2016.