In case you missed it, in which case you also missed the reason Brett Favre Nation is now looking to next season, EA and developer Bioware bought massive airtime during last night s late NFL playoff game. As reported in MediaPost, the game makers’ ad buy during the NFC Championship game between New Orleans and Minnesota included interstitials, traditional spots, and a slot late in the game for a two-minute trailer. EA senior ad manager Dustin Shekell told another news outlet, Marketing Daily, that the effort was to reach an audience during the most-watched, male-oriented, nationally televised program on-air just prior to the game’s launch. MediaPost says BioWare also helped drive an audience to the TV buy. The developer organized a live internet event taking place during the football game and promoted it through Mass Effect pages on Twitter and Facebook. BioWare said the game s social media community numbers more than 5 million registered users. During the internet event developers talked to gamers about their upcoming videogame along with happenings in the NFC game.
What EA and BioWare should be most thrilled about today is that the game was a high-scoring heart-stopper that went into overtime, likely retaining a good chunk of its audience by the time the Mass Effect trailer aired. Mass Effect 2 launches tomorrow. New Orleans plays Indianapolis in the Super Bowl on Feb. 7.
Read more at MediaPost.