The original Goldeneye 007 was a work of passion by Rare, releasing long after the movie but still having a huge impact on gaming and selling well. Martin Hollis, the designer of the original GoldenEye, knows full well about what effort went into the game, but he doesn’t think the new title from Activision is motivated the same way.
“I imagine it is a business decision isn’t it? This name is valuable, let’s use it, said Hollis. I find it hard to picture Activision’s top management being excited about the original and wanting to do it justice. In fact, I find it hard to imagine them being excited about any game. It’s my perception that they are trying to be EA, only more so. I think they are doing a fine job at that.”
However, Hollis had kinder words about the developer of the new Goldeneye. “I know and like Eurocom,” he said. “I think they are a good company. I’m confident they have done their very best.”
Source: ONM