Google’s head of Mobile Ad Marketing, Jesse Haines, told attendees at the Mobile Marketing Association forum that more companies are looking to invest in mobile ad. She offered some advice taken from the Mobile Playbook that Google has put together based on their facts and findings.
When it comes to mobile, timing is everything, Haines noted. Consumers are always connected to a brand regardless of where and when they are, which completely changes the value proposition for brands. As an example, she cited, which highlighted the speed of its mobile web site with a video showing a skydiver using the site to make a hotel reservation.
Another trend Haines talked about is showrooming, where consumers go into a retail store and shop elsewhere using their mobile devices. Amazon has even been promoting the practice by giving customers discounts for doing it. “Showrooming isn’t going away, and it’s the innovative retailers who are thinking about how to transform their value proposition that win,” noted Haines.
Mobile use is particularly important for businesses like restaurants and movies, where more than 25 percent of queries are made on mobile devices. If your mobile web site isn’t good, research from Compuware found that 57 percent of consumers will not recommend your business.
Tablets are also playing an increasingly large role in the ways that brands tackle mobile with the devices increasingly being seen as separate from smartphones, according to Haines. “One thing that has bowled us over at Google is how people are using the tablet for shopping,” Haines noted. “Tablets are amazing when it comes to shopping and an amazing platform for brand-building. The reach might be small now, but the consumer is valuable and it’s worth paying attention to the tablet.”
Source: Mobile Marketer