Though HTC has seen better days, the company is still faring decently enough – and, if a report from the Financial Times is any indication, they could come sooner rather than later. According to the report, HTC has teamed up with Amazon to produce a number of new smartphone devices that could make their way to the site’s store as soon as next year. The devices are expected to offer competitive hardware at an execllent price, much like the Kindle Fire line of tablets.

Now the question is when the devices will be released. The Financial Times report indicates that one release date for one of the products has already changed – even with it still in development – and there’s no indication as to when they will actually arrive, if at all.

It’s no secret that Amazon has been looking to get more into the “tech” market, especially with the success of its Kindle models, but it’s only a matter of time before it eventually nails down something to compete in the smartphone category. We’ll see what comes of this team-up soon enough.

Source: TechCrunch