IGDA executive director Kate Edwards has laid out new guidelines for events held by the organization, following the recent GDC party that led to the resignation of co-chair Brenda Romero. The events will now be networking focused, will purposefully be inclusive, and there will be more due diligence on choices of partners.

Edwards pledged a personal “Walk Out and Talk Out” policy where she will immediately leave any future event she deems to be unsuitable after explaining her reasons for doing so to the sponsors and organizers. Edwards encouraged others to do so to help push change.

“In the big picture, conference parties are a small aspect of our greater growth and professional development, but they’re a flashpoint for demonstrating values that are either oppressive or progressive,” Edwards said. “Our humanity makes us prone to mistakes, but that does not diminish our resolve to be a force of change. I hope the IGDA membership will rise to the challenge, and keep working together to help our industry reflect the reality of our diversity, whether it’s at events, in the workplace or in the games we create.”

Source: Gamasutra