Lots of gaming franchises are being considered for non-interactive media, like Uncharted, Red Faction and Dead Space. However, Sucker Punch co-founder and InFamous 2 producer Brian Flemming, indicated that their super hero franchise probably isn’t going to become a movie any time soon.

“I don’t know, I get asked this question a lot and I should have been prepared for it but the reality is I’m a video games guy and I know there’s been Uncharted and Halo and there was even a script written for an InFamous movie two years ago, said Flemming. “It feels like we’re still infinitely far away from having an InFamous movie. Could it happen Absolutely it could happen. Will it happen I’m pretty skeptical, I don’t know.

“You know you hear these weird stories,” he continued. “I heard some weird rumors about one of these video game movies where they changed the character to a guy so that they could cast this actor and you’re like, ‘What the heck is going on ‘ It seemed kind of disrespectful to the game. I would be excited only because of the life experience for me. Would it be a good movie I don’t know. I don’t know anything about making movies. I know about making games.”

Source: CVG