Ninja Gaiden III was a Japanese developed game that attempted to appeal to a broad audience in the West, but ended up watering down the experience and resulting in a disappointment critically and commercially. Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi reflected on this at E3, saying that Japanese developers should take a different tack than their Western counterparts.

“Maybe if the industry is going for that Hollywood blockbuster direction, we can offer something that’s different,” Hayashi said. “That’s Hollywood, but we can still offer solid entertainment, and make sure that it reaches the people that are looking for that solid entertainment.”

“All Japanese developers are right now treading water, and doing everything they can just to basically stay above water,” he noted. “We feel that, actually, you’re going to get an answer coming from that, because everybody is so desperate to stay there and stay alive that you’re going to get answers for how to move forward and how to make things work in the future.”

Source: Gamasutra