Nintendo has suffered from communication problems with the 3DS, since it is hard to convey its 3D capabilities without actually looking at the device. Wii Sports designer Katsuya Eguchi indicates that Nintendo faces a similar struggle when it launches Wii U late next year.

“You’re absolutely right, those are just some of the huge challenges ahead of us – getting people to really understand what Wii U can offer,” acknowledged Eguchi. “We have some experiences here right now – with Chase Mii and ‘shield Pose’ – and we have a great opportunity to give people time to play the games, so we’ll take advantages of expos, conferences and in-store demos.

“But we really want people to understand how the TV screen and controller screen interact and how that changes the experience. And we’ve come up with a variety of uses, he added. But you’re right, we can’t explain them all, and I don’t even think we’ve thought of them all. I’m sure there are many uses that haven’t been thought of yet.”

Source: Edge