Pixwoo has launched its social gaming platform in the U.S. after successfully launching in the U.K. and France. The platform is designed towards a more core gaming audience, seeking to attract companies with professional pages to communicate with fans and currently has over 8,000 members, 2,500 game pages and 300 groups.
“Pixwoo was created to provide a platform for all types of gamers and industry members to connect and communicate with one another,” said Pascal Vielhescaze, CEO and founder of Pixwoo. “The world of video games is such a rich and content-filled one. The video game world has expanded beyond people who play video games and has infiltrated pop culture and lifestyles in general. We wanted to create a dedicated social networking space for everyone interested in video games to come together and share their passion. We want everyone in the industry asking each other: ‘Do you Pixwoo?'”
“In addition to being the destination online for gamers, we welcome all types of industry professionals and provide specific benefits they can leverage,” he added. “After creating a general professional page for their company on the site, for example, they can take it a step further and become a Pixwoo partner. This allows them to connect all of the pages of the games that their company publishes to their company page, and directly communicate with all of their fans in one place. They also have the ability to create and manage pages for characters from their video games, in order to interact with fans as the video game character itself.”
Source: Pixwoo