RockYou announced today that it has signed a five-year agreement that will make Facebook Credits the exclusive virtual currency of RockYou’s social games and applications. Facebook retains 30 percent of the revenue from Facebook Credits.
“Facebook is showing a long-term commitment to social gaming — and that’s very exciting,” said Lisa Marino, chief revenue officer at RockYou. “We look forward to continue working with Facebook and Facebook Credits. As users adopt Credits, there may be a great opportunity for us to increase revenue from both a virtual goods and advertising perspective.”
RockYou and Facebook have worked together on RockYou’s advertiser sponsored “Deal of the Day” program, which rewards people with Facebook Credits when they interact with in-game advertising. Over one million people completed the Deal of the Day with Facebook Credits in the first four days when it launched in April and RockYou has issued over 5 million Credits in Zoo World alone, using both direct pay and advertiser sponsored solutions.
“We’ve worked closely with RockYou on developing Facebook Credits for some time, and their input has been valuable in evolving the product,” said Deborah Liu, product marketing manager for Facebook Credits. “Facebook is dedicated to providing value and helping developers succeed on Facebook Platform, and Facebook Credits is an important part of accomplishing this goal.”