Jordan Weisman recently announced that his Shadowrun Returns game has been funded. The original creator of the Shadowrun universe, which is a fusion of futuristic cyberpunk and high fantasy concepts, will rebirth the game franchise in video game form in a turn-based single player title with “deep story interaction, meaningful character development, and highly-contextual tactical combat.”
“From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has backed us so far,” posted Weisman. “If we weren’t working our butts off on our new game, we’d be dancing around the Closet (our tiny office) with tears of joy streaming down our faces. Instead, the team is heads-down at their computers, sniffling loudly and wiping their eyes with their shirt-sleeves.”
The company has since made its secondary goal of $425,000 and there will be a Mac version of the game.