O-Games announced an interesting contest for their game Superstars V8 Racing. Via in-game challenges for the $19.99 PSN title, users will be able to win a copy of Gran Turismo 5 whenever it ships.

Critics say that Superstars V8 Racing is a worthy investment and does more than just fill the void for all the racing fans waiting for the launch of Grand Turismo 5, said Greg Lanz, General Manager of O-Games, Inc. Beginning next week and for the next ten weeks, we’ll be challenging players of Superstars V8 Racing on PlayStation Network to various leaderboard competitions, and award winners a brand new copy of Gran Turismo 5. Superstars V8 Racing is the perfect game for racing fans to sharpen their skills as they wait for Gran Turismo 5, and what better way than to reward fans with a brand new copy of the game.  Exactly when we can ship GT5 is anybody s guess, but rest assured, we will send out prizes whenever it hits retail shelves.

Weekly competitions will begin November 12, 2010, and all rules and regulations can be found on the Superstars V8 Racing Facebook page at facebook.com/superstarsv8racing.