It’s safe to say the Harlem Shake is sticking around longer than most people thought it would. Now to commemorate the phenomenon that it helped spark, YouTube has topped it off with an Easter Egg.

Search for “Do the Harlem Shake” on YouTube, and watch your home page turn into a version of the viral dance. Make sure your sound is on.

What makes it a great homage is how the site recreates what the videos are about with uncanny accuracy. It’s part of what’s keeping it going, with unique takes every time it seems it should go away. For instance, a Harlem Shaking washing machine, and even a recent airplane gone wild version that’s under investigation by the FAA.

Google, which owns YouTube, is known for adding these types of hidden gems from time to time. For example, search for “do a barrel roll,” a famous line from the video game Star Fox 64, and Google’s entire website spins.

Know any other nifty Easter Eggs Share them below!
