Super Evil Megacorp’s Kristian Segerstrale has a big mission: for core gamers to begin to consider their touchscreen devices as their primary gaming platforms. “We ourselves grew up with PC gaming as a thing we did all night long with friends,” says Segerstrale. “We feel like the touchscreen generation deserves that gaming experience.”
Ultimately, for Super Evil Megacorp, the device the game is played on is really besides the point. “We are paranoid about control. As gamers ourselves, we don’t even want to think about what device we’re playing on … We don’t really care about fundamentally what device we’re playing on.”
This kind of experience on mobile, as Kristian puts it, ” where you’re battling your opponent, not the device” has been a key focus for the company as they continue to shift perceptions of mobile as merely a casual gaming device. Responsiveness has been a key factor that Super Evil Megacorp has improved upon, building a sub-30 millisecond control input into Vainglory‘s engine.
“The overall sense of responsiveness of the game has been a really important part of what we’re creating.” Segerstrale hopes this will create a gaming experience that will be worthy of core gamers’ attentions and win them over to the mobile experience.
“What’s important to us is our players, and empowering our players to create content and share that content with others.”