One of the biggest challenges game developers may run into is marketing—specifically where and to whom. With today’s growing market and expanding definition of “gamer,” finding a target audience can be challenging, but not impossible. While 60 percent of gamers are male, females represent an increasing share, according to SuperData, thanks to the launch of new mobile titles such as Pokémon GO. Puzzle games, social casino games, simulation and RPGs all see higher ratios of women, as well.
Gamers gotta game, but if you think consoles or computers are the only way to go, think again. At 88 percent, players game on their smartphones more than they read books (66 percent), stream TV shows (72 percent) and browse the internet (86 percent), according to SuperData’s newly updated Player Profile dashboard. Facebook is the top social network for users to get their game on, with more than 66 percent using the site on a regular basis for gaming.
You’ll find more gamers in suburban areas and than anywhere else, at 47 percent, followed by urban gamers at 39 percent. The analytics firm attributes this to high-speed internet access gives both areas, which provides greater access to more content. In contrast, low internet penetration in rural areas bars players from online gaming. Internet access assists gamers in other ways, too. For example, more than 80 percent of gamers watch gaming video content on a regular basis. Gamers know where to look if they get stuck on the game or want to improve their skills—nearly 50 percent watch gameplay videos of “walkthroughs,” in which viewers can watch someone else play the game. In addition, 75 percent of eSports fans tune into tournament streams for the finals of major competitions.
It’s no wonder that virtual reality has taken off, thanks to early adoption by gamers. SuperData reports video games as the most requested VR experience, with more than 50 percent of gamers looking forward to playing more immersive titles.
Unless your game is called, “Pretty Pink Hair Salon,” you may be wondering where to find your target audience. If a game was designed with the hope that everyone will enjoy it, how do you find your niche?
“A target audience is a concept based on tons of factors that we work through specifically with clients based on what their game is, both through the Player Profile and other custom work,” Sam Barberie, VP of product and business development at SuperData Research told [a]listdaily. “That can include demographic insights like age, gender, income, but also vary widely based on market and the particular genre and mechanics of the game (e.g. Germans dislike pay-to-win strategies in MMO games, but US players are ok with it). There is a huge constellation of factors that goes into what makes a game successful and for whom. [That’s] exactly why we built this and work with everyone.”