by Jessica Klein
Lots of brands see millennial males as prime digital marketing targets, and new data from Nielsen confirms that this group is most likely to be reached online, especially via video.
According to the analysis, millennial males watch less traditional TV and more online videos than their female and older male counterparts. While the demographic watches 20 hours of “old-world” TV per week, millennial females clock in at 23 hours on average, with Gen X males watching up to 28 hours. Meanwhile, millennial men tune into online videos for two hours and fifteen minutes longer than any of these other digitally-viewing demographics.
However, not all millennial males watch video equally. Nielsen’s analysis points to African-Americans in the segment as watching (TV and online) more than the demographic as a whole, spending 33 hours watching traditional TV per week and three hours watching online video. Asian-American millennial men actually watch the most online (four hours a week) and spend comparatively little time in front of the traditional TV set (11.5 hours a week). Hispanic millenials watch an average of under two hours online each week.
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