by Jessica Klein
When it comes to growing your audience on YouTube, there are several important things you have to consider. First and foremost, YouTube fosters an incredibly personal environment, where, unlike TV audiences, viewers will get to know you or your brand on a more intimate and interactive level. This means you have to actively and directly engage your fans instead of sitting back and hoping they’ll get engaged all by themselves.
Other than that, you have to get to know the video platform. It offers plenty of tools aimed at helping video creators succeed. From various analytics to subtitles, embrace what YouTube has to offer. Also, make sure that you have a holistic vision of your channel. Make yourself recognizable, and then just make great content. As long as you’re doing at least that, you’re off to a good start.
Once you’re off to that start, here are some other tips you can use to grow your audience on YouTube:
The first step—get to know your viewers:
- Ask Yourself the Right Questions
Start off by stepping into the YouTube viewer’s shoes when assessing your videos’ effectiveness. Think about whether your content will leave viewers with the desire to visit one of your stores/website, the ability to recognize your brand in different venues, and the drive to recommend your products (or even just your funny video!) to their friends. If you don’t think it will do any of the above, try something else.
- Know Your Audience
Get to know what kinds of videos your target demographic like to watch and how frequently they’re on their cells. If they troll Facebook twelve hours a day, that’s another important thing to know (although, we hope they don’t)! The “Playbook for Brands” mentions some Google tools to help you answer these questions, like the YouTube Trends Dashboard, Our Mobile Planet, and Google Think Insights.
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