Not content on letting Apple have all the fun with its end of year honors, Google has revealed the top applications, games and songs for its Google Play service, through a large infographic that previously appeared over at VentureBeat.
The infographic breaks down the top apps by category, with Duolingo taking top honors in Education, Facebook topping social, MyFitnessPal dominating Health & Fitness; Netflix once again ruling Entertainment, and others. Out of all the offered apps, however, Health & Fitness is the fastest growing category, with more and more users hopping on the health train.
Meanwhile, in games, King’s Candy Crush Saga has been deemed the most downloaded title on Android devices in 2014, followed by the surprising indie game Don’t Tap the White Tile, along with King’s Farm Heroes Saga, the endless runner Subway Surfers, and, rounding out the list, Supercell’s Clash of Clans. Google also noted that Play Games users managed to unlock over 3.5 billion Achievements over the year, based on progress made within these and other titles.
In movies, Disney’s Frozen was considered the most popular movie of the year, while AMC’s The Walking Dead earned TV Show of the Year honors. The company also pointed out that Toy Story, the debut film effort for Pixar, was the year’s “Comeback Movie,” regaining popularity on the smartphone/tablet formats. The late Robin Williams, meanwhile, earned the Most Searched Actor On Google Play honors.
As for music, Frozen topped the list again with Album of the Year, while Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” earned Song of the Year honors. Meanwhile, Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy” was deemed Song of the Summer, mainly due to its high number of downloads. Meanwhile, Soundtracks were considered the fastest growing genre on the store front.
Books also earned honors with Google, including the original novelization of The Fault In Our Stars, as well as Fifty Shades of Grey, Divergent and Twelve Years a Slave — all of which have or will have movie adaptations. Google also tracked popular articles through its Newsstand service, including top favorites like Flavorpill’s “15 90’s Teen Heartthrobs Who’ve Resurfaced On TV” and “50 More Awesome Facts (About Everything)” from Mental Floss.
The full details are included in the infographic below.