We’ve tackled a number of compelling topics in the last few weeks at the [a]list daily, and we’ve collected some of the best features here so you can catch up on the important trends this month. It’s the season for sharing, so spread this around to your friends. If you like this content, be sure to subscribe to our [a]list daily newsletter (head to the Subscribe area on the right side of the homepage). Happy Thanksgiving!
The PlayStation 4 Launch
The PlayStation 4 launched in North America on November 15, and the [a]list daily covered the events at the GameStop store in San Francisco.
Check out what Sony and GameStop had going on with pictures from the scene.
The Xbox One Launch
On November 22 Microsoft launched the Xbox One in a number of countries, and once again the [a]list daily covered the events.
The [a]list daily was also on hand for Microsoft’s big event in Los Angeles, covering the festivities launching the Xbox One.
The State of the Game Industry
The [a]list daily checked in on the latest retail sales numbers and what they mean, as well as looking at some of the key things Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft face ahead of them.
The Latest in Mobile
While many were focused on new console launches, the mobile game business continues to grow and change rapidly. We looked at some of the numbers and the challenges facing mobile games.
Game Marketing Insights
There are many interesting games coming up, and creative new ways to market them on console, mobile, and social. We talked with some key players on the marketing front.