Hideo Kojima made an appearance at Sony’s first public demonstration of the NGP, where he showed off a scene from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. He said the demonstration was rendered in real-time.
“On NGP, we can enjoy the same quality as PS3,” said Kojima. “When we launched Peace Walkerfor PSP, this is what I said: In the near future there will be a world of cloud computing… I really believe that you can have a portable MGS and Peace Walker was an experiment for the cloud computing future. NGP allows this cloud computing. What I’d like to realize is playing on your PS3, and when you go out, you put the game on your NGP, and when you come back home, you can once again use your PS3 and large screen TV.”
While those ideas certainly are tantalizing to many gamers, Kojima announced no particular plan for their implementation. Given the heavy support Kojima Productions gave to the PSP over the years, we’d expect something big from Kojima for the NGP.
“This dream is going to come true in the near future. And right now, I’m working on this project of the dream, said Kojima. I’m sorry, I can’t reveal this now. But we’d like to present what we’re doing at E3.”
Source: PlayStation.Blog