Websites reach audiences that are becoming increasingly elusive.
Forbes recently interviewed Outsell, Inc. chief executive Anthea Stratigos about the research firm’s analysis that $65 million could move away from traditional marketing and back into company websites and Internet efforts. A few highlights:
[Stratigos] The marketing dollars companies now spend on their own sites is equivalent to all TV ad revenue for the year. Eight years ago we said that the Global 2000 would be the dot-coms of tomorrow. That’s what’s playing out.
She also agrees with Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, who recently said global advertising budgets aren’t in a recession, but a complete “reset,” and they will not come back to their original levels.
[Stratigos] Advertising which has left the news industries, for example, is not going to come back in its same shape or form. But you can still make a case for cross-media buys and the combination of display ads plus search optimization as being effective.
The entire interview is a quick read and worthy of a few minutes, especially if you need some reassurance that Internet advertising isn’t on its way out, but may actually be the dominant force in coming years.